Japan Missions & The Christ Church Choir

“Now I b2015-04-16 22.54.11ecome a Christian.  On Christmas Sunday in 2014, I was baptized.  I believe that if Christ Church Choir didn’t come to me, I would not accept Jesus and I would still sing Gospel as just only music. But now, I can sing Gospel as the essence of Bible, “God’s words”. ~ Momoko

I read this testimony of Momoko and it still seems surreal that God would use members of a church choir from Nashville, Tennessee to go all the way to Japan, singing Gospel music, to bring the message of the Gospel to so many people searching for a real encounter with God.

2015-04-10 11.45.06-1It was about three days into my recent mission to Japan that I realized God had sent me on a “Christ Church” missions trip and I just didn’t know it!  After three life-changing trips to Japan ministering with the Christ Church Choir music team, I returned to Japan in April this year for 10 non-stop days of music ministry.  Everywhere I went, the reputation and stories of the music ministry from Christ Church went before me and I was welcomed and honored in both familiar and new cities & venues.  At every concert, there were other pastors/ministers/teachers attending who extended invitations for me to return and bring this Gospel music to their church or organization.  I met 2 ministers at my first concert who traveled 6 hours to come that day because they wanted to meet with me and request that I please come back and bring Gospel music concerts to their area.

2015-04-20 05.57.39Gospel music has made an impact in Japan that is hard to explain.  The Japanese people enjoy the soulful musical style but are also compelled by the spirit that moves through this music. Both Christian and non-Christian people enjoy gathering to sing these soulful Gospel songs! As Jesus is lifted up, He draws people to himself and this truly is happening through Gospel music in Japan.  After every concert, I met people who came to me overwhelmed with emotion, speaking of the powerful presence of God that they experienced.  Some of them spoke of feeling healing while others simply said they felt the “light” and “holiness” of God during the concert.

The first Music Missions team trips to Japan by the Christ Church Choir beg2015-07-21 00.14.16an in 2011.  From that mission, there was one young girl who was baptised and since that time there have been 8 total baptisms in direct response to the ministry of the Christ Church Choir music missions: Mika, Naohiro, Masashi, Toshi, Yumi, Tomoka, Momoko and Mamiko. The most recent baptism was of Mamiko Tani who came to my first concert in April and when the concert concluded, she spoke to our host, Pastor Yasunori and told him she decided that day that she wanted to be baptised and make a public confession of faith in Jesus! We know that many others have been impacted by the music ministry and have come to know Christ during this time but these are the ones we know have also followed through with water baptism.

I am also happy to report that each of these new Christians are growing in their faith and some are even teaching Bible classes at churches & universities! Seeing each of them volunteering in their churches, growing in their knowledge of the Word and continuing with their love of Gospel music is truly a blessing.

Along with the yearly trips to Japan by the CCChoir teams, there have been other ministers, like myself, who have been able to follow in the path paved by the ministry of the Christ Church Choir.  Pastor Dan has ministered in Japan along with Geron Davis & Kindred Souls, Wayne & Elizabeth GoodineJaimee Paul & Leif Shires, Elicia Brown and most recently, myself.

2015-04-19 18.41.01-1Each summer, a team of Japanese students & adults come to Nashville lead by our friend, Pastor Yasunori Aoki.  These visits are more than just a tourist trip to Music City USA but an opportunity for these young people to interact with Christians, stay in Christian homes and experience both a Christ Church Choir rehearsal & participate in a Sunday morning worship service.  Each year, there have been salvation decisions directly connected to the influence & experience that the person had on this trip. Every host home is important and every meal served matters.  It is all part of being the living Gospel to people who have never met Jesus.

The people of Japan are open.  The Christian leaders in Japan are pleading for us to bring Gospel Music missions and the doors are open for Christ Church Nashville to continue to make an impact in Japan for the Kingdom of God.

“I can feel the presence of God through singing with Christ Church Choir.  God touched my broken heart and made a new way to me…   2015-07-20 22.38.23After singing with them, I looked around with my tears. I was surprised that Choir members were crying, too.  I decided to be baptized at this time.  I’d like to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I’d like to follow him through singing Gospel, just like Christ Church Choir!  This unforgettable experience lead me to be Christian. I was Baptized in September 28 in 2014. Gospel becomes not only “music” but “living word” to me. I owe what I am now to Jesus and Christ Church Choir!” ~ Tomoka



A peek at the enemies plans

As I was praying today about all of the events going on around the world, particularly in the Middle East, I felt like the Holy Spirit reminded me of a scripture passage. I want to share this with you today and hopefully you will join me in praying!

I was praying for President Obama and other leaders of the world to have Godly wisdom in dealing with the evil of ISIS. I understand that many people, including myself, have frustration with political leaders many times. It can be frustrating when we want them to do certain things and feel like they are dragging their feet or worse, aren’t concerned.  The truth is that we are most effective in influencing those in government/political positions when we pray for them. We must pray for our leaders. God can work and his will be accomplished through leaders of the world regardless of whether or not they actually call on him as Lord. Pharaoh was certainly used by God to deliver the children of Israel though antagonistic, he was still used for God’s purposes.

So, back to the scripture I mentioned. As I was praying today I specifically asked for God to send wise counsel to our leaders and frustrate the evil enemy. That is when I remembered the scripture passage from 2Kings 6:8-12

2 Kings 6:8-12New International Version (NIV)

Elisha Traps Blinded Arameans

Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, “I will set up my camp in such and such a place.”

The man of God sent word to the king of Israel: “Beware of passing that place, because the Arameans are going down there.” 10 So the king of Israel checked on the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places.

11 This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, “Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?”

12 “None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.”

I love the last phrase in this scripture passage which points out the fact that Elisha – COUNSEL TO THE KING of ISRAEL – was literally hearing the plans of the enemy even while they talked in the King of Aram’s private bedroom. The king of Aram was doing everything he could to defeat Israel but even when he was making his top secret private plans, God was revealing those plans to Elisha as if he was sitting right in the room, hearing the plans directly from the mouth of the enemy!

The devil is limited but we are not.

We have access to the all-knowing all-powerful God. The Holy Spirit moves and works in ways that we cannot even understand. I am praying today that the Holy Spirit will revealed to the leaders of the free world in a supernatural way what are the detailed, specific, strategic plans of the enemy. Even as the evil spirit behind ISIS is plotting and planning their mission to advance through & destroy the free nations of the world, I pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal these plans to our leaders (and those who counsel them) as if we are sitting at the table listening in to their discussions. Wherever they go to bring destruction, let a wall of defense be in their place before they even arrive. Frustrate the enemy, oh great God, Father, Lord Jehovah!

A Mountain In The Way


1454865_10151979078934536_1008051561_nI was honored to be the guest for an online video blog today with a dear friend in ministry, Michelle Sarabia. Michelle’s ministry slogan is,“Beyond Brave” and she asked me to talk about VMM/Good Deeds International, sharing a little bit about my journey in “bravely” stepping out into this new adventure with God.  I knew this would be the general discussion topic and I had my usual talking points ready but the Holy Spirit pointed out 2 specific things from my journey that I had not planned on sharing. I thought I would share ONE of them in this blog and hopefully encourage someone today who may be dragging your feet or ignoring the nudge of the Holy Spirit, gripped by fear of the unknown or other things on your long list of objections to God.

A MOUNTAIN in the way:

In 2008 I found myself stuck.  Stuhh-UCK.  I had been involved in music ministry all of my life and owned a successful marketing/merchandising company that allowed me to have a steady income while still working as a professional singer & volunteering in the music ministry at my local church. I was a homeowner, owned a vehicle and even somewhat of a landlord with renters living in my home. I was starting to feel change coming and that God was calling me back into what we traditionally refer to as “full-time ministry” but I couldn’t see HOW that was going to happen.

The truth was that things in the US economy were changing and my once successful marketing business was disappearing rapidly (most of my clients were in the music industry & closed/changed/disbanded as artists).  The other truth was that I didn’t actually own anything. I had credit card debt from trying to keep my business afloat in the declining economy AND my home & vehicle were fully mortgaged/financed. Any time I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me in the area of entering full-time ministry again, I immediately had a list of reasons why that wouldn’t work and lack of money was always at the top of that list.

  • Why would people invite me to sing/minister if I don’t have my own music to sing?
  • I needed to record a new solo project:  But God, I don’t have money for that!
  • How will I pay my bills?  I can’t just stop what I’m doing to start something with NO assured income! (which was a crazy argument because I was already dealing with loss of income but fooling myself by leaning on more and more debt.)
  • Isn’t that a little prideful or self-centered to think people want to hear me sing or listen to what I have to say?  No one is knocking on my door asking me to do this (but, you, God).
  • I’m not skinny, God.  Have you noticed?  “People listen with their eyes.”  No one is going to want to HEAR me because (in my head) they don’t want to SEE me.
  • I am a woman.  Most pastors are men and have varying views on women on the platform or behind a pulpit. Will I be accepted?

These are just a few of the objections I had for God.

1656177_10152176828924536_1086319787_nI won’t drag this story out for you but I will say that eventually I stopped listing my objections and reasons why God couldn’t work it out for me and I just said, “YES” to God. In all my attempts to make life work, I had made poor choices and tried to “help God” by doing whatever it took to pay bills each month… not truly giving Him room to do it HIS way. I prayed, cried, laid in the floor, moaned, groaned, ugly-cried, praised, worshiped, studied the Word and kept that pattern on repeat.  I made a list of ALL my debt (mortgage included) and it was about $275,000.  I gave that MOUNTAIN to God and TRULY took my hands off of it.  If this debt was going to be removed, I had to speak to it (as the Word says in Matthew 17:20 “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”) and then let God work out the details.

It didn’t happen how I thought it would.  The things I had held on to so tightly, thinking I could work it out eventually, were slowly lifted out of my hands. My hands were no longer clasped but stretched out with palms up and open.  God took EVERYTHING I gave him. I handed that list of debt to Him and He took it.  It was often painful but I knew it was temporary pain for greater gain.

I did the same thing with the rest of my list of objections.  Palms open…. He took the objections away and began to replace them with passion & vision.  It didn’t take long for me to see changes…. in ME!  I took my hands off the details and the timeline and God miraculously delivered me from the MOUNTAIN that was in my way.

Today, I am debt-free, praise God!  All that I have is a gift from God. If there’s no money in the bank, then no money is spent (no credit cards!) I am still learning to submit my own desires & natural concerns to the faithful, loving Father who has cared for me so well, all these many years. It’s a daily decision to walk by faith and not by sight. Now, I train myself to speak of the goodness & greatness of God and not the largeness of my need.  He is more than enough!72659_10152097531304536_487186985_n

I started making this little statement several years back:“I am fully, wholely, completely, utterly dependent & leaning on God and Him alone.”  

It’s still true today.

I speak to the mountain…because nothing is impossible with God.  


Potential is BURSTING inside you!

I was meeting this past week with someone who is doing ministry in an area of the world that I visited earlier this year.  This was our first time to meet so we both were sharing a little about our backgrounds in ministry & why we both feel drawn to help these particular people.

As I shared about my recent ministry direction into the world of music and “missions”, I recalled a moment from 3 years ago when I returned from my first trip to Japan with the Christ Church Choir.   I had been walking through a changing/shifting time in my life and seeking God about what He wanted me to do.  I knew God was leading me back into what we traditionally refer to as “full-time ministry” but I didn’t know exactly what that would look like or the specific direction, at the time.

My mother called me one evening and she asked me if I had any new revelation or specific direction about what or where God may be leading me.  Even though I didn’t have a specific answer, I had a SIMPLE answer for her.  I didn’t realize then how profound it actually was or how KEY it was to me stepping into the next season.2014-08-04 20.29.03

I said, “I feel like God showed me on this trip that He has already put everything inside of me that I need to accomplish and fulfill the purpose & destiny that He has for me.”

That wasn’t to say that I didn’t have much still to learn in life or that I wouldn’t need help (because I need both!) but it was an assurance that I didn’t need to be afraid or intimidated by what God would put in front of me to do.

Whom HE calls, HE prepares.

I took some notes while listening to a sermon recently that explained this “Made with Potential inside of you” concept so well.  I thought I would share some of the notes that I took and maybe this will help to open your eyes to see & respond to what GOD has already CREATED inside YOU!


Step on out and let God give birth to a new season in your life!

——————– NOTES ————————

Speaking of Potential:

God has already put everything he needs inside the thing that he needs it from.


YOUR potential is already inside you.   What God has designed for you & your life, all that you need to fulfill your PURPOSE is already IN YOU!



God created Adam… He included everything in Adam that he needed to fulfill his purpose/destiny.  Potential was FULL inside of Adam from the beginning!


In Adam is the potential for Eve.

Out of the creation of EVE, he pulls the potential for FAMILY.

Out of that FAMILY he pulls the potential for NATIONS.


God anointed DAVID, as shepherd boy…

Out of DAVID he pulls an entire KINGLY lineage

Out of that KINGLY lineage he pulls JESUS

Out of JESUS he pulls the CHURCH

Out of the CHURCH he pulls a KINGDOM!


Whatever God has for you…. It’s already in you.

There is potential already in you for what God has planned for your life.


If you followed David, you would see “stages”.   The Bible follows him from life as a boy until the time he dies.  We get to see his entire life…. His journey.

We see David anointed as a boy to be king and then we see the stages of his life as that lead to that word manifesting.

That Word was given to him as a young man to get him into position and to get him prepared.

He is anointed to be King… the oil is poured on him in the midst of his dad and brothers.   They watched as God blessed him, though they never thought it would be HIM to lead.

David then experiences a “shift”.

He knows he’s changed but everyone around him doesn’t know that he’s changed.

He is now anointed to be King but he is surrounded by people who can only related to him out of a season he has already exited.


God’s hand on your life will call you out of a season and move you into another one… and that will happen many times in your life.


There are people who can relate to you through seasons but not all will relate to you through ALL seasons in your life.

This is why friends can come and go.

It is very difficult to move forward when you are surrounded by people who only relate to who you WERE.

Moving forward with God usually means vacating relationships that you have established with people.   It doesn’t even mean that those relationship were bad but it means something has shifted in you and you no longer relate to those you knew in the previous “season”.



To “induce” labor means that something from outside has been put inside you that causes you to give birth earlier.

Accelerating the pace of birth.

When a new season in your life is getting ready to be “birthed”, many times you will begin to feel uncomfortable… turmoil… pain.

Life as you have known will begin to argue with the dream inside you…. The conflict of staying the same or making a change will create and INDUCING pain that begins to push it out.


Because the whole time you were a shepherd, God knew you were a king!  You can’t stay a shepherd forever when you are anointed to be a KING!

Southeast Asia Mission

Southeast Asia Mission

(click on the title or picture to view video)

Jesus Loves the little Children

Thank you for your support and prayers for this mission.  I leave on April 17th for this next God-adventure and the countdown is on for receiving the funds needed to feed these orphans & refugees.  We need to purchase 7 van loads of food/supplies so that we don’t arrive empty handed as we bring the Good News of the Gospel to these children & families.

$1500 will purchase 1 van load of food & supplies that lasts for 1 month.

Thanks to Pastor Greg Thurstonson & Dominion Church, League City, TX  AND Ronny & Cathy Robinson of Funnel Point Ministries in Franklin, TN for sponsoring a van-load.
 We still need 5 more people who can  pay for a van load of food!

 Click below to donate online OR you can mail a check to VMM:

email: gooddeedsministry@gmail.com for mailing information.


Let your light shine

The past few months I have felt strongly that there will be rapidly increasing persecution of Christians in America. If you choose to follow God’s word and do so in love and truth, you will still face persecution. This is not because you are not doing something right. It is because of the spiritual battle that is growing in intensity as we see the day of Christ’s return growing closer.

A soft answer turns away wrath.”

As followers of Christ, we don’t argue and throw stones at each other. Our answers to questions or accusations should be carried by someone who walks with their feet soled with the gospel of PEACE. Even so, Jesus walked in peace and his words of truth stirred up hate and anger in those who disagreed with him… so much so that ultimate solution of those who opposed him was to silence Him with death.

Our human nature is to desire to be liked. Even if we are not a social butterfly, a loner wants to be liked by at least a few people! The bully who picks on others and spews insults typically does these things to cover up a deep desire to be loved… to be liked. No one wants to be the outsider or ridiculed by “the crowd”. We all want to be liked.

As Christians, we should do all that we can to live at peace with one another, even with those who we have disagreements. This is essential to the two commands Jesus gave us, to love God above all others and love our neighbors as ourselves. As followers of Christ, we seek to live peacefully and displaying love with/to the people around us.

I realize these are just rambling thoughts but I’m getting somewhere!

Choose this day, whom you will serve.

If you choose to serve God and be a follower of Christ, you will be a LIGHT that cannot be hidden. We live in a world of darkness and as we let the light of Christ shine through us, some will be drawn to this light and see it as a beacon of salvation but other will see it as light exposing areas of darkness they don’t want uncovered. We will be a light that some want to put out by any means possible. Remember that is it not flesh and blood that we fight against but spiritual powers of darkness. Never let hate seed in your heart towards a person in the midst of this battle. Always remember that there is a spirit at work behind anything said or done that is an attack against you.

This is not a challenge to you for the future. No longer do we talk about these things and say “one day they won’t tolerate teachings of truth.”

The time is now.

Choose whom you will serve.

Choose who & what you believe and prepare to take a stand. (Joshua 24:15)  By the help of the Holy Spirit, you can do and say all the “right” things and you are still going to be persecuted.

God’s word to you today is prepare yourself  (Ephesians 6),  wrap yourself with right living (breastplate of righteousness), walk in peace (feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace), be filled with the Holy Spirit & knowledge of the Word of God, which is your counselor and defender (use the sword of the spirit) and get ready to


Salt and Light – Matthew 5:13-14

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Thankfulness Things Part Two

So, my last post was thankfulness for a few spiritual things. Part-two today is for a few of those other things in life that deserve some thanks.  Don’t hurt your brain trying to find any spiritual significance in any of these!

1. United Airlines.  Yep… thankful for the airline that has carried me20130605-142534.jpg and my belongings safely around the world for several years now. Of course, this thanks is shared with my precious friend Rhonda who is the best United Airlines flight attendant EVER… and an even better friend.

2. Bath and Body 20130216-201620.jpgWorks… for feeding my addiction to 3-wick candles & wall flower plug-ins with great coupons so that my home always smells seasonally delicious & wonderful!

3.  J. Alexanders: for consistently giving me reasons to be my favorite restaurant.  Sperrys Steakhouse: for your delicious salad bar, home-made dressings and of course, table-side bananas foster. Chuys: for bringing real Tex-mex to Nashville.  Bishops Meat & 3: for your carrot souflee’.  Frothy Monkey: for the best bacon omelette I’ve ever had… seriously.  Japanese Mitsuya Cider drink & candies: perfect drink, perfect hard candies.

4. Infinity Scarves:  oh how I love thee! I love you thin and cool in the summer, thick and fluffy in the winter. By far, YOU, dear scarf, are my favorite accessory.

5. Spanx:  …. enough said.

6. Instagram Amaro photo filter:  for consistently making me look younger in every picture taken.

7. Princessprincess my favorite kitty ever.  She’s purr-fectly cuddly and is the best companion.  I’m a little jealous of her sleeping habits but at least she’s inspiring.

8. Texting:  Truly.  I dislike talking on the phone unless absolutely necessary. Texting is a beautiful thing.  I especially like the imessage feature on my iphone. I was able to “text” other iphone user friends even while I was in Japan!

9.  My house: I’m so thankful for my little one-level home. After many years of 2 and 3 level living, this is so easy and comfortable. God truly gave me just what I needed when He gave me this home.

10. Make-up:  Not to be too vain but yes, I’m thankful for the ability to paint my face, cover up the things I don’t want the world to see and enhance the things I like best.  Even on a no-make-up day, I’ll still be sporting some mascara and lip gloss.

My faves?

Thankfulness Things Part One

I didn’t do the “30 Days of Thankfulness” postings on social media for November this year. I try to be Thankful 365 days a year!  Still, today I wanted to post a few “spiritual” things I’m thankful for, just to keep in the spirit of this Thanksgiving week.


1. MERCY.  I’ve been deeply touched during the past few years by the display of mercy in my life. People use that word quite a bit but I think “grace” seems to get a lot more time in the spotlight.  I am so thankful for MERCY shown towards me. When I deserved punishment, when I deserved to painfully reap what I had sown from poor choices I had made…. Mercy showed up like a long lost best friend. “Surely goodness and MERCY shall follow me all the days of my life.” Ps 23

2.  SUPERNATURAL:  Oh, how I am thankful for the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in my life.  I can read the Word backwards and forwards, memorize heaps of scripture, attend bible school, listen to every bible scholar that walks the earth, fill my head and heart with all the teachings of Christ… and STILL, some would not believe unless the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit was displayed.  This was true even in the life of Christ.  It was the signs & wonders that He did that drew the crowds.  Yes, they gathered to hear him speak and teach but they did that because of the supernatural miracles that they saw Him do.  They saw the miracles.  They saw and heard of this man who simply spoke and the winds and the waves obeyed.  One woman simply touched the hem of his garment and she was healed!  Another woman evangelized her whole town after she met him at the water well and He seemed to know everything about her!  The SUPERNATURAL.  We can live naturally supernatural lives.  Yes, we study God’s word and it is powerful.  We also depend on the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to do what we cannot do… to open hearts to receive the Word of life.

3. THE CROSS.  I have written about this before.  It has certainly been a theme of mine for a while now.  I am so thankful for the completed work that was done at the cross of Christ.  Jesus did what we could not do for ourselves. The salvation of mankind was completed that day.  There is no sin that was over-looked.  There is nothing that I can do today that is too big to be forgiven. I don’t pray for forgiveness and hear God saying… “Wow, I didn’t think of that one.  Jesus, you may need to go back to the cross again.  This one did something that we didn’t prepare for. It’s not covered.”  NO!  He paid the debt for all sin.  Forgiveness of our sins is just waiting to be poured out over us simply through our repentance. Oh how wonderful that our debt for sin was paid and we can now have our sin-slate wiped clean, simply confess and repent!!!  I’m so thankful for this powerful work that was done out of love for you and me.


Take up your cross

I’ve been sharing a lot lately with my family & friends about the need for discipleship and the call as a Christian to truly be a “follower of Christ”.  These are simple things that have maximum impact… life-changing impact. When we meet Jesus & start to follow him, we are not the same person anymore.
We change.
We become more like Him.
If we are MORE like HIM, that also means we are LESS like the sinful person we were when we were born into this world.
The Pre-Christ “me” and the Post Christ “me” should be different!
I keep hearing Queen Esther’s words…. “if I perish, I perish.”
Doing what is right in God’s eyes, living according to His word, and responding to the Holy Spirit’s conviction is more important than having all the right friends, being politically correct, or even just trying NOT to make anyone else uncomfortable.
The dark is getting darker.
We must remain the light, even if that leads to being outcast, imprisoned or even to death.
That sounds so extreme but it is absolutely where we are right now in our “free” American society. I’m not trying to be melodramatic. I just feeling the seriousness of the call to truly be disciples, followers of Christ, no matter the cost.
Luke 9:23
Then Jesus said to them all,
“If anyone wants to follow Me,
he must give up himself and his own desires.
He must take up his cross everyday and follow Me.

If it’s not good, it’s not over yet.

Several months ago, a friend of mine was talking on facebook about a great sermon she heard at her church that Sunday morning and it intrigued me enough that I visited their website to listen to the sermon.  It was SO GOOD!  I actually sat down and started taking notes as I listened.  It was simple but profound and encouraging.  I have the notes I took that day taped up on my wall in my little home office space.  I quickly glanced over them today and was inspired and encouraged all over again.

I decided to share my notes with you today and maybe these thoughts will be encouraging to you like it was for me!

TEXT:  Exodus 5

Moses speaking to Pharaoh repeatedly to let the children of Israel go!  vs 1 “Afterward Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the wilderness.’”  But what do you do when Pharaoh says no?

When God SPEAKS and says “It’s time”… it just means it’s the beginning of the Process!

God shows you the END but doesn’t show you the process. 

  • God showed Moses the deliverance but not Pharaoh’s resistance that he would have to walk through to get there. .
  • God showed Joseph the dream of people bowing to him but not the pit or the prison experience he would have to walk through to get there. (*if God had shown him the process, it wouldn’t have been a dream, it would have been a nightmare to him!)

What do you do when you are doing all you are asked to do and everything still falls apart?

     ie,  you lose your business….. your child leaves home/on drugs/….  marriage falling apart….  you are tithing but you still can’t make ends meet…

Sometimes the FIRST DAY of obedience makes you feel like you made a mistake.

Sometimes he let’s Pharaoh say NO….   and in your life that looks like, financial problems, family problems, addiction continues,  persecution continues.


God says NOW!  I will do it.  It’s MY turn.  I’M going to step in FOR YOU.




Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”


God works all things for the good of those who love him and are called to his purpose.


If you would like to listen to the sermon yourself, you can click on this link http://www.bethesdanet.com/guest-speaker-pastor-tim-dilena/ and you will hear the June 3, 2013 message with ministering guest Pastor Tim Dilena from The Brooklyn Tabernacle in New York.